Friday, August 20, 2004

Volunteers Put Accent on New Kerry Office

The new Kerry for President Office at 57 W. Grand St., 3rd fl. (312-832-0220) got a number of decorative touches from volunteers last week.

Moving in was a team effort with both campaign staff and volunteers helping out. Volunteers found that helping John Kerry also meant helping John Kerry move his office in Illinois. The well-used furniture was carried into the new quarters via U-Haul with Campaign favorite Rob Moon at the wheel.

The new quarters occupy the entire 3rd floor at 57 W. Grand St. They'll serve as a hub both for activities in Illinois and further a field. They represent a clear acknowledgement on the part of the official campaign of Illinois' importance in the coming political battle.

That said, the new office is not simply the center of activity for the official campaign. Rather, they've flug their doors open to us grassroots volunteers, making it as much our "home" as theirs.

If there were ever an indication of the official campaign's openess to our efforts at the grassroots level, surely it's this "Open Door" approach. Compare this with the bunker mentality of the opposition and you'll know why we've got the people, they've got the rhetoric, and why we're going to whup 'em -- provided we all do our part -- come November.


Blogger Nate Zeke said...

Wow, What Beauty! Don't fall Love!

10:44 PM  

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